Cree Dream Catcher

  1. Dream Catcher Meaning
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  3. Free Dream Catcher Svg

The Dreamcatcher

  1. The dream catcher repeats the same stitch from start to finish. To start, hold the string and place it loosely over the top of the hoop. Move the string around to the back of the hoop (forming a hole) and pull the string back through the hole you just made. Pull each stitch taught but not too tight or it will warp the hoop of the dream.
  2. North American Indian Dream Catchers These Cree dreamcatchers are a good example of the tear-shaped wooden frame style. The additional feathers around the base are this artist's personal design.

Dream Catchers Dream Catchers are a spiritual tool used to help assure good dreams to those that sleep under them. A dream catcher is usually placed over a place you would sleep where the morning light can hit it. As you sleep all dreams from the spirit world have to pass through the dream catcher. Our Dream catchers are individually handcrafted by members of the Mohawk Tyendinaga Territory in Ontario. The leather, deerskin & feathers used are provided by local First Nations hunters. Approximate dimensions 12' x 28' Each dream catcher.


Dream Catcher Meaning

An ancient Chippewa tradition, the dream net (or dreamcatcher) has been made for many generations. Where spirit dreams have played, hung above the cradle board or in the lodge up high. The dream net catches bad dreams, while good dreams slip on by. Bad dreams become entangled among the sinew thread. Good dreams slip through the center hole while you dream upon your bed. This is an ancient legend since dreams will never cease. Hang a dream net above your bed and dream on and be at peace.

A dreamcatcher is a Native American good luck talisman reputed to bring good dreams. A knot, or 'mistake', is intentionally woven into each dreamcatcher to trap any bad dreams. Only good dreams would be allowed to filter through. Bad dreams would stay in the net, disappearing with the light of day.

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Traditionally, the Ojibwa construct dreamcatchers by tying sinew strands in a web around a small round or tear-shaped frame of willow. The resulting 'dreamcatcher', hung above the bed, is then used as a charm to protect sleeping children from nightmares.

Cree dream catcher book

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Dreamcatchers made of willow and sinew are not meant to last forever but instead are intended to dry out and collapse over time as the child enters the age of adulthood.